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A Message to Our Customers About Products from China

The news media is reporting many stories of unsafe food products from China. We are hearing that some products contain banned ingredients, or that products are filthy or decomposed. Furthermore, there are stories that rivers and ponds are polluted with chemicals and raw sewage. It is understandable why Americans are concerned about the safety of products coming from China.

The health and safety of all our products, including those from China, has always been the highest priority for Crown Prince. To that end, there are numerous safety precautions in place to ensure that the product, and the environment from which it comes, is safe. These include the following:

All Crown Prince products from China are harvested from the ocean, not ponds.

No antibiotics are used in the growing of Crown Prince products from China.

All Crown Prince products from China are taken from ocean growing areas that are strictly controlled by the China Ocean Fishery Bureau. This bureau is responsible for seawater safety, performing periodic inspections, and issuing use permits for specific growing areas. Furthermore, USFDA performed an inspection in May of this year also testing the seawater. The results indicated that the seawater tested contained insignificant levels of pollution.

All Crown Prince products from China are produced from raw material that is strictly controlled by China CIQ (Customs, Inspection, and Quarantine.) China CIQ is responsible for the control of all oyster farming, processing, manufacturing and export. They pay strict attention to raw material quality and safety as well as the manufacture and export of finished products.

All Crown Prince packers in China perform additional safety inspections of raw material. During the packing season, toxin testing is performed every two weeks. Additionally, raw material is tested for heavy metals every six months.

All Crown Prince products from China are produced only in factories personally visited and inspected every year by the President of Crown Prince. Additionally, Crown Prince has a third party independent laboratory performing annual inspections at each factory in China. Every production code is approved by Crown Prince prior to shipment, and only factories with the highest level of quality are accepted.

All Crown Prince products from China are produced only in factories that have USFDA factory and product registrations, and are HACCP certified. These products are low acid canned foods and therefore subject to sterilization procedures. These sterilization procedures render any bacteria that may be present, harmless.

Crown Prince imports the following products from China:

Item UPC - 0 73230 00050 8 - Crown Prince Smoked Oysters with Red Chili Pepper
Item UPC - 0 73230 00051 5 - Crown Prince Smoked Oysters
Item UPC - 0 73230 00053 9 - Crown Prince Smoked Baby Clams
Item UPC - 0 73230 00055 3 - Crown Prince Jack Mackerel in Water
Item UPC - 0 73230 00060 7 - Crown Prince Smoked Oysters with Red Chili Pepper
Item UPC - 0 73230 00061 4 - Crown Prince Smoked Oysters
Item UPC - 0 73230 00063 8 - Crown Prince Smoked Baby Clams
Item UPC - 0 73230 00091 1 - Crown Prince Smoked Oysters

Item UPC - 0 73230 00156 7 - Ocean Prince Smoked Oysters with Red Chili Pepper
Item UPC - 0 73230 00157 4 - Ocean Prince Cocktail Smoked Oysters in Cottonseed Oil
Item UPC - 0 73230 00163 5 - Ocean Prince Kipper Snacks
Item UPC - 0 73230 00165 9 - Ocean Prince Smoked Oysters in Cottonseed Oil
Item UPC - 0 73230 00169 7 - Ocean Prince Sardines in Oil
Item UPC - 0 73230 00170 3 - Ocean Prince Sardines in Mustard
Item UPC - 0 73230 00171 0 - Ocean Prince Sardines in Water
Item UPC - 0 73230 00172 7 - Ocean Prince Sardines in Louisiana Hot Sauce

Be assured that we make every effort to maintain the highest quality and safety of all Crown Prince products from China and around the globe.

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